DotnetFriday April 2022

Eduard Keilholz | Apr 8, 2022 min read

DotnetFriday - April 2022 Edition

This edition of DotnetFriday was originally planned with Henk Boelman. Unfortunately he had to cancel last minute because of an illness and we were lucky enough to have Roelant Dieben to replace him.

Roelant Dieben

With almost 20 years of experience developing software on the Microsoft stack, Roelant Dieben has a lot to share about stuff that has been obsolete for years. He has been working as a senior software engineer and architect for Ordina Microsoft Solutions for over four years and has a passion for machine learning and application lifecycle management.

Session: Making sense of unstructured data with AI

Most applications of AI and machine learning are being powered by huge amounts of data in all sorts of forms. Sometimes this data is encapsulated in PDFs, images, video or audio files, but you would still want the possibility to extract and leverage this data.

During this session you will get an introduction to the cognitive services that Microsoft has to offer and how to combine these services with Azure Cognitive Search for extracting and analyzing your data.

In addition we will discuss some broader AI concepts, the ingest-enrich-explore pattern and how this all fits together with leveraging the cognitive services. After the session you will be able to infuse your own applications with some AI or a full-blown intelligent search experience.

Eduard Keilholz

Eduard is a Cloud Solution Architect at 4DotNet (The Netherlands). He likes to help customers with implementing and experiencing cloud technologies. He likes to create highly performant software and help team members reach a higher skill level of software development. He focusses is on the Microsoft development stack, mainly C# and the Microsoft Azure Cloud, and has a strong affinity with Angular. He enjoys speaking at (inter)national conferences and contributing to community events. In 2020, Microsoft has recognized these community activities with the Microsoft MVP Award for Azure.

Session: Forget SignalR! Start working real-time with Azure Web PubSub

Getting real-time information on processes and operations is essential when creating convenient, user-friendly web systems. With Web PubSub, Microsoft took the next step by enabling your to leverage real-time communication right from your browser. In this session, I will show you how to use Web PubSub and discover some advanced scenarios using alternative protocols, that enable real-time communication between servers and clients.

Barbara Forbes

Barbara works as the Azure technical lead for OGD in the Netherlands. She is a Microsoft MVP Azure, MCT and GitHub Star. Her focus is on Azure and automation in a very broad way. Think Serverless, Azure DevOps, PowerShell, GitHub and Infrastructure as Code. She loves teaching in an approachable way. She regularly writes posts for her blog and speaks at conferences and user groups. She helps grow the community as co-owner of the Dutch DevOps & GitHub community (DDOG), as well as co-hosting the Dutch PowerShell User Group (DUPSUG).

Session: Bicep for the enterprise

If you’ve been working with ARM templates, you have probably heard about Bicep. If you have found the Bicep repository on GitHub, you might have followed the tutorials already. But how do you take the next steps? In this session, we will focus on what an enterprise environment needs from Infrastructure as Code and how Bicep can help you out. We will look at the basics like loops and conditions, but will also take some real-life examples to see how we can make use of modules. Combining it with CICD pipelines will give you a complete solution to start implementing in your own environment.