DotnetFriday November 2022

Eduard Keilholz | Nov 4, 2022 min read

DotnetFriday - November 2022 Edition

How about GitHub, the git technology, and the relatively new GitHub Codespaces. This edition of DotnetFriday is packed with Git. Fanie takes us on a trip trhough codespaces and shows us how to build a development environment in no-time, that is up to PAR with your current environment. Mart takes you by the hand and explores workflows you can use working with Git.

Fanie Reynders

Originally from South Africa, Fanie Reynders is a Solution Architect living in The Netherlands with over a decade experience in the software industry. He is the coolest dad, Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft MVP and secretly a Cloud Technology Evangelist obsessed with code, architecture and shiny new tech; sharing knowledge wherever to whoever will listen. He likes teaching, writing and vlogging about the things that make him happy.

Check out his blog at or follow him on Twitter @FanieReynders.

Session: A lap around GitHub Codespaces

We take a journey on what a typical developer experience can look like using GitHub Codespaces for spinning up instant cloud managed development environments

Mart de Graaf

Mart de Graaf a software engineer at 4Dotnet. Mart likes to contribute to business value and optimizing the develop life cycle of the development proces.

Session: Advanced Git and Git workflows (*Dutch)

Ik zie veel mensen bezig met de basis van git. Wanneer het moeilijker wordt, wordt de git guru binnen het team opgezocht om te helpen met het git probleem. Met mijn sessie probeer ik visueel uit te leggen hoe git werkt en wat commando’s daarmee doen. Door de flow te begrijpen is de oplossing nog maar 1 (Google) zoekopdracht van je vandaan. Om je team verder te helpen behandel ik ook de bekendste git workflows en afspraken binnen teams. Door je te verbeteren in deze tool die je dagelijks gebruikt, wordt je proces versnelt.